The colours of Sun
As the Winter Solstice approaches in the North, Sun becomes weaker, the intruding darkness longer, the weather colder. We invite you to gather in the winter lighting’s warm embrace at OrbitFest and together with our maker skills we will generate enough power to drive away the darkness and gaze upon the magnificent full spectrum of the colours of Sun! ☼
See you at the Ebbingekwartierterrein on 21st December 2014!

Known venues for the OrbitFest winter light expo
The OrbitFest winter light expo includes light installations and ambient lighting objects made by makers from Groningen and surrounding areas. These works can be exhibited at various venues and moments:
-at OrbitFest on 21st December 2014, weatherproof light installations and ambient lighting objects can be exhibited at the Open Lab Ebbinge event site and city beach, and on top of the De Chemie roof (terrace);
-at OrbitFest on 21st December 2014, indoor light installations and ambient lighting objects can be exhibited at the Infoversum,
De Chemie, the Open Lab Ebbinge Information pavilion and NP3 M0Bi;
-as of on 11th December 2014, in the run up to OrbitFest, and until 31st December 2014, makers can already exhibit light installations and ambient lighting objects on top of the VVV Tourist Office at the Groningen On Ice.