‘Call for Concepts’ OrbitFest: Channels to the Stars – submissions permitted till 7th May 2015
Weather permitting, the festival will be held on 18 – 20th December, 2015 on and around the Ebbingekwartierterrein and in the city of Groningen.
In this year’s winter light expo, visitors will be invited to go on a surprising fantasy trip via special light channels through Heliopolis – the future city of Groningen, and to the stars!
For this edition of OrbitFest, and for the first time till now, we also invite light artists and hackers from all over Groningen and surrounding areas to create new lightwork for the winter light expo related to OrbitFest’s futuristic festival story: ideas for light installations or ambient light objects may be submitted till 7th May 2015 via our Call for Concepts.
We look forward to your submission(s)!
Additionally, you will have the opportunity once again to present your already existing work at the winter light expo, the light workshops, winter lab and the winter market: Join our Orbit!
-Poli Chrom
Extended deadline first round ‘Call for Concepts’ – OrbitFest: Channels to the Stars: 6th April 2015
Light artists and hackers from all over Groningen and surrounding areas are invited by ColorC to send in proposals for the creation of new lightwork for the winter light expo of OrbitFest: Channels to the Stars: ideas for light installations or ambient light objects for the first round may now be submitted until 6th April 2015 via our Call for Concepts.
We look forward to your submissions!
-Poli Chrom
N.B.: The second round for submitting concepts for lightworks starts on 7th April until 7th May 2015.